Frequently asked questions!

  • When food is mixed in with all our general rubbish, it gets sent to landfill, and decomposes anaerobically (without oxygen). This process produces greenhouse gases like methane (20x more potent than carbon dioxide!) and toxic leachate.

    We prefer localised composting over commercial composting because it brings down the number of trucks on the road (trucking food scraps miles away), and it is also the perfect opportunity for us to build and get to know our community!

  • We accept:

    Fruit and vegetable scraps (cooked or uncooked)

    Meat, poultry, fish (cooked or uncooked)

    Cereals, grains, bread, pasta, rice, quinoa

    Egg shells, kina, shellfish, shells

    Tea, coffee grounds and filters

    Cheese and diary products

    Cakes and biscuits

    Tissue, serviettes, paper towels

    Cut flowers

    We don't accept:

    Compostable packaging of any kind (coffee cups, plates, lids etc)

    Sanitary products

    Plastic and glass


    Dog/cat poo

    Aluminium foil


    Cakes and biscuits

    Tissue, serviettes, paper towels

    Cut flowers

    We don't accept:

    Compostable packaging of any kind (coffee cups, plates, lids etc)

    Sanitary products

    Plastic and glass


    Dog/cat poo

    Aluminium foil


  • There is a wheelie bin outside the Bee Sanctuary gate. There is a padlock on the bin which we’ll give you the code for once we have received your first payment, and this will enable you to drop off your organic waste into the bin whenever you wish.

  • We have several different rates depending on your circumstances.

    • Student fee: $10/month, however if money is an issue, please don't hesitate to reach out, let's work something out. 

    • Household fee: $17.50/month, drop off up to 40L of food waste monthly.

    • Small business fee: $30/month, drop off up to 80L of food waste monthly. 

    Larger businesses and apartment complexes: case by case basis. 

    We also provide a pick up service for an extra fee. Please get in touch with us to further discuss! Payment details will be provided upon sign up.

  • We believe that the labour, time, energy and dedication in turning food scraps back into compost, soil for papatūānuku should be acknowledged, so we do ask for a small monthly fee that make it possible for us to keep it going! All proceeds are reinvested back into the Bee Sanctuary garden, as well as some remuneration for the students processing the organic waste.

  • No, we are currently prioritising organics and food scraps.

  • Initially, we will use the compost for regenerating the soil of the bee sanctuary. Once this initial need has been met, we plan to sell around half of the excess compost and donate the other half to community projects that align with our values in the central city.